At JOMO we have created the most durable all-purpose small boat that is not only affordable but offers high performance, safety and enjoyment all rolled into one. When you look at and compare factors such as weight, durability and safety, the choice of which compact boat that best suit’s your needs can only be one choice, the JOMO.
Designed by a boatie for the boatie. The JOMO (the joy of missing out) evolved from Joe, the designer and developer of the JOMO wanting more in a small boat than what was available on the market and seeing the need to create something better, something that ticked all the boxes including durability, design and most importantly safety. With the many drawbacks that other small boats have, such as poor flotation, irreparable holes in the hull, tares in the plastic and the real danger of sinking at sea he wanted to create a boat that offers the peace of mind you want when in the water.